Strawberry 'Common'

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Strawberries are incredibly easy to grow, and they take up little space, so are great in containers and even hanging baskets.

Strawberry plants will flower during the warmer months of the year with fruit being ready to pick 3-6 weeks after that.  Most varieties will produce multiple crops a year provided they are well fed and watered.

Strawberries require plenty of water but hate wet leaves. Water plants early in the day so that leaves and fruit dry off quickly to help deter fungal diseases developing. Remove any dead or tatty leaves to improve airflow.

*Pot sold separately.

*As plants are natural products, form, pattern and colour will vary slightly.


Pot size guide (mm)

This is a general guide of the size we offer:

Size 1   70mm - 100mm pot

Size 2  110mm-130mm pot

Size 3  140mm - 180mm pot

Size 4  200mm pot

Size 5  250mm pot

Size 6  300mm pot

Size 7  350mm pot

Size 8  400mm pot

Skill level



Prefers full sun for fruiting.

Strawberries require plenty of water but hate wet leaves. Keep soil moist especially in the warmer months. Water once the surface of the soil looks dry.

Feed with slow-release fertiliser once every six months (refers to packaging for dosage).In the warmer months, feed monthly with a liquid fertiliser.

Cool to warm.